Andrew Blumberg is currently the Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Cancer Data Research (in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute of Cancer Dynamics and in the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center) and Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science. Prior to joining Columbia University, Andrew was Professor of Mathematics at the University of Texas. Prior to arriving in Austin, he was an NSF postdoctoral fellow from 2005-2009 at Stanford, with a year's stint as a member at the Institute for Advanced Study in 2007-2008. Andrew received his PhD in 2005 from University of Chicago.
Andrew has broad research interests in mathematics and computer science. His research includes work in algebraic topology, topological data analysis, and computer security and privacy. He is particularly interested in the applications of geometry and topology to the analysis of genomic data.
Andrew is an editor for the Journal of Topology, an associate editor for Advances in Mathematics, and an editor for the Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. He is a member of the Center for topology of cancer evolution and heterogeneity based at Columbia University. He is also part of the Pepper project at NYU on verifiable outsourced computing.