
The Institute has built a Virtual Reality suite in the IICD space to visualize tumors in 3D. The Institute also supported the purchase of a 10X chromium system, a MiSeq DNA sequencer and a tissue dissociator on the Morningside Heights campus, in partnership with the Department of Biological Sciences. IICD has partnered with the NYGC to build a Direct Library Preparation Plus+ (DLP+) device, a scalable single cell whole genome DNA sequencing system. A cryostat and confocal microscope have also been added to enhance research infrastructure.

IICD also procured a serial two-photon tomography system, together with an automated collector, to image and annotate tumor biopsies. The instrument is housed at the Zuckerman Institute.

Instruments are for internal use (IICD members can check the IICD intranet for details to access the instrumentation).