Single Cell Genomics
Affiliated Faculty

Core Faculty
Genevera I. Allen, PhD
Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics
Research Interest

Affiliate Faculty (non-Columbia)
Samuel Aparicio, BCh, PhD, FRCPath, FRSC
Nan & Lorraine Robertson Chair in Breast Cancer Research; Canada Research Chair in Molecular Oncology; Distinguished Scientist and Head, Department of Breast & Molecular Oncology, British Columbia Cancer Agency; UBC Distinguished University Scholar
Research Interest

Core Faculty
Elham Azizi, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Herbert and Florence Irving Associate Professor of Cancer Data Research (in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics and in the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center)
Research Interest

Scientific Staff
Ozgur Beker
Staff Associate I in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
Research Interest

Core Faculty
Andrew J. Blumberg, PhD
Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Cancer Data Research (in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute of Cancer Dynamics and in the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center) and Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Research Interest

Research Scientists
Khanh Ngoc Dinh, PhD
Associate Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics and in the Department of Statistics
Research Interest

Core Faculty
Bianca Dumitrascu, PhD
Assistant Professor of Statistics and Herbert and Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research (in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics and in the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center)
Research Interest

Affiliate Faculty (non-Columbia)
Scott E. Fraser, PhD
Provost Professor of Biology and Bioengineering; Elizabeth Garrett Chair in Convergent Bioscience, Director of Science Initiatives, University of Southern California
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Agnieszka Geras, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Department of Statistics
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Abigail Hickok, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Department of Mathematics
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Lambda Moses, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Department of Statistics
Research Interest

Associate Faculty
José L. McFaline-Figueroa, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Dept of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interest

Associate Faculty
Itsik Pe'er, PhD
Professor of Computer Science and Systems Biology, Department of Computer Science
Research Interest

Associate Faculty
Carol L. Prives, PhD
Da Costa Professor of Biology, Dept of Biological Sciences
Research Interest

Affiliate Faculty (non-Columbia)
Ben Raphael, PhD
Professor, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Maithê Rocha Monteiro de Barros, DVM, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Sohrab Salehi, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
Research Interest

Affiliate Faculty (non-Columbia)
Sohrab Shah, PhD
Chief of Computational Oncology in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Lingting Shi, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
Research Interest

Associate Faculty
Brent Stockwell, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, Columbia University
Research Interest

Core Faculty
Simon Tavaré, FRS FMedSci
Professor of Statistics and Biological Sciences, Herbert and Florence Irving Director
Research Interest

Associate Faculty
Saeed Tavazoie, PhD
Professor of Biological Sciences and of Systems Biology; in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Dept of Biological Sciences
Research Interest

Core Faculty
Sanja Vicković, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering (in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics)
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Tarek M. Zikry, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Department of Statistics
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Aaron Zweig, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
Research Interest

Postdoctoral Research Scientists
Alessandro A. Grande, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Herbert and Florence Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics